General Terms and Conditions of Sale

Article 1 - Definitions

The following terms will be referred to hereafter:

'Site' or 'service': the website and all of its pages.
'Services': all the accommodation services and provisions that can be reserved on the site.
'Publisher' or 'Owner': The legal or natural person owning the accommodations offered and responsible for the editing and content of the site.
'User': The internet user visiting and using the site.
'Client': The internet user making a reservation on the site.

Article 2 - Mandatory Notices Required by the Law on Trust in the Digital Economy and Purpose of the Site

This site is published by Pavanous sarl. Legal information concerning the host and the publisher of the site, particularly the contact details and any capital and registration information, are provided in the legal notice of this site. Information regarding the collection and processing of personal data (policy and declaration) is provided in the site's personal data charter. The site is free and open to all internet users, allowing them to consult accommodation offers and request the reservation of one or more accommodations. Reservation of accommodation or more generally navigation on the site implies the user's acceptance of all of these general conditions, thereby acknowledging full awareness of them. This acceptance may consist, for example, of the user checking the box corresponding to the sentence of acceptance of these general conditions, with wording such as "I acknowledge having read and accepted all the general conditions of the site." Checking this box will be deemed to have the same value as a handwritten signature by the user. Acceptance of these general conditions assumes that users have the necessary legal capacity to do so. If the user is a minor or does not have this legal capacity, they declare having the authorization of a guardian, curator, or legal representative. The user acknowledges the evidential value of the publisher of this site's automatic recording systems and, unless they can provide evidence to the contrary, renounces to dispute them in the event of a dispute.

The Publisher provides the Client with a privacy charter on its Site, specifying all the information relating to the use of the Client's personal data collected by the Publisher and the rights the Client has concerning these personal data. The data privacy policy is part of the CGUV. Therefore, acceptance of these CGUV implies acceptance of the data privacy policy.

Article 3 - Characteristics of the Accommodation Services Offered

The services and accommodations offered are those which appear on the pages of the site. Accommodations are offered subject to availability. Each accommodation is accompanied on the site by a description established by the owner. The photographs of the accommodations offered reflect a faithful image of the accommodations but are not contractual insofar as they cannot ensure perfect similarity with reality. The assistance service of this site can be accessed by email at the following address: or by postal mail at the address indicated in the legal notice, in which case the owner undertakes to provide a response within 7 days. Pavanous also provides users of the site and its clients with telephone assistance to answer their questions. The telephone assistance can be contacted by phone at 09 86 23 14 22.

Article 4 - Rates

The prices of the accommodations listed on the site are prices in Euros including all taxes (TTC), taking into account the VAT applicable on the day of the order, excluding any possible tourist tax.

Pavanous reserves the right to pass on any change in the VAT rate to the price of the accommodations. The owner also reserves the right to modify their prices at any time. However, the price listed on the site on the day of the order will be the only one applicable to the buyer.

Clients booking accommodation must pay a tourist tax, set by resolution of the municipal council concerned by the reserved accommodation, if they are not domiciled in the municipality and do not own a residence there for which they would be liable for the residence tax. This tourist tax, if not explicitly added to the price of the accommodation and paid at the time of booking, may be applied and requested on site at the end of the stay. In any case, it will be detailed to the client, if applicable, on the invoice that will be provided.

Article 5 – Duration of Stay

The client who signs this contract for a fixed duration cannot under any circumstances claim any right to remain on the premises after the end of their stay.

Article 6 – Exemption of the Publisher's Responsibility in the Execution of this Contract

In the event of an inability to access the site, due to technical problems or any other nature, the user cannot claim any damage and will not be entitled to any compensation. The unavailability, even prolonged and without any limited duration, of one or more services offered by the site cannot constitute harm to internet users and can in no way give rise to the awarding of damages from the site's publisher. The photographs of the accommodations and services presented on the site are not contractual in nature, therefore the responsibility of the publisher of this site cannot be engaged if the characteristics of the accommodations differ from the visuals present on the site or if these are erroneous or incomplete.

The hypertext links present on this site may refer to other websites and the responsibility of the publisher of this site cannot be engaged if the content of these sites violates current laws. Likewise, the responsibility of the publisher of this site cannot be engaged if the visit, by the user, to one of these sites, caused them harm.

Article 7 – Intellectual Property Rights Related to Elements Published on this Site

All elements of this site belong to the publisher or a third-party agent, or are used by the publisher on the site with the permission of their owner.

Any copying of logos, textual content, pictographic or video elements, among others, is strictly prohibited and constitutes infringement.

Article 8 – Trademarks

The trademarks and logos contained in the site are registered by Pavanous, or possibly by one of its partners. Any person engaging in their representation, reproduction, interweaving, dissemination, and redistribution is liable to the penalties provided for in articles L.713-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

Article 9 – Limitation of Liability

The site publisher, particularly in the online reservation process, is bound only by an obligation of means; its liability cannot be held for damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as data loss, intrusion, virus, service breakdown, or others. The site publisher, Pavanous, cannot be held responsible for the non-performance of the contract concluded due to the occurrence of a force majeure event. The user expressly admits using the site at their own risk and under their sole responsibility. The site provides the user with information for guidance, with imperfections, errors, omissions, inaccuracies, and other ambiguities that may exist. In any case, Pavanous can in no case be held responsible for: - any direct or indirect damage, in particular concerning profit loss, loss of earnings, loss of customers, data that may result among others from the use of the site, or on the contrary from the impossibility of its use; - a malfunction, unavailability of access, misuse, poor configuration of the user's computer, or even the use of a browser rarely used by the user; - the content of advertisements and other links or external sources accessible by the user from the site.

Article 10 – Access to the Site

The responsibility of the site publisher cannot be engaged due to a technical unavailability of connection, whether it is due in particular to a case of force majeure, to maintenance, to an update, to a modification of the site, to an intervention of the host, to an internal or external strike, to a network failure, to a power cut, or even to a bad configuration or use of the user’s computer.

Article 11 – Applicable Law and Mediation

These general conditions are subject to the application of French law. They can be modified at any time by the site publisher or its agent. The general conditions applicable to the user are those in force on the day of their reservation or their connection to this site. The publisher commits to keeping all its old general conditions and to send them to any user who would make the request. Unless provisions of public order, all disputes that could arise in the execution of these general conditions may, before any legal action, be submitted to the appraisal of the site publisher in view of an amicable settlement. It is expressly reminded that requests for an amicable settlement do not suspend the deadlines open for judicial actions. Unless contrary public order provision, any legal action related to the execution of this contract must be submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts within the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal seized.

Consumer Mediation: According to Article L.612-1 of the Consumer Code, it is reminded that "every consumer has the right to make free use of a consumer mediator for the amicable resolution of the dispute with a professional. To this end, the professional guarantees the consumer effective recourse to a consumer mediation device." As such, Pavanous sarl offers its individual clients, in the context of disputes that have not found resolution amicably, the mediation of a mediator designated by Pavanous sarl.

It is recalled that mediation is not mandatory but only offered in order to resolve disputes while avoiding recourse to the judiciary.

Article 12 – Use of Cookies

A "Cookie" allows the identification of a website user, the personalization of their site browsing, and the acceleration of the site display through the recording of a data file on their computer. The site may use "Cookies" mainly to 1) obtain navigation statistics to improve the user experience, and 2) allow access to content that is not accessible without remembering the user’s actions (especially in the reservation process). The user acknowledges being informed of this practice and authorizes the site editor to use it. The publisher undertakes never to communicate the content of these "Cookies" to third parties, except in the case of a legal requisition. The User may refuse the recording of "Cookies" or configure their browser to be warned before accepting "Cookies." To do this, the user will adjust the settings of their browser:

For Internet Explorer:
For Safari:
For Google Chrome:
For Firefox:
For Opera:

Article 13 – Reservation Process and Conclusion of the Reservation Contract

What is defined below as the "Basket" is the intangible object grouping all the services selected by the user of the site for a reservation. As soon as the Internet user considers that they have selected and added to their basket all the services they wish to reserve, they will have the opportunity to confirm their reservation. They will then be redirected to a summary page where the number and characteristics of the reserved nights, as well as their unit price, will be communicated to them. If they wish to validate their order, the Internet user must tick the box relating to the ratification of these general conditions and click on the validation button. The user will then be redirected to a page where they must fill in the reservation form fields. In this case, they must enter a number of personal data concerning them, necessary for the smooth running of the reservation. The user can then confirm their reservation with the site, and they will be given payment instructions to conclude this reservation, with the means of payment listed in the section of these general conditions relating to payments. The user is invited to pay within a maximum period of 48 hours (but more quickly if it is a reservation made with a shorter notice) a deposit representing 50% of the total amount of the reserved nights, the balance being required upon their arrival at Pavanous. Once this payment is received, the reservation becomes firm, and the present contract is concluded. By this payment, the customer confirms their full and complete agreement with these general conditions. It is reminded that without the payment within the allocated time, the reservation is not confirmed and, consequently, the owner reserves the right to recover the requested accommodations. Once their reservation is effective, the user will be sent an email or postal confirmation of the reservation, reminding them of the content of the reservation and the requested services, and the price of these. Consumption and additional services not mentioned in this contract will be paid by the client to the owner, at the latest at the end of the stay.

Article 14 – Information Related to the Payment of the Reservation

The user can place an order on this site and can make their payment, during the reservation and before arriving at the accommodation, via PayPal or credit card. Once at the accommodation, the following means of payment are accepted: cash, PayPal, credit card. Credit card payments via the site are made through secure transactions provided by an online payment platform provider. This site does not have access to any data related to the user's means of payment. The payment is made directly between the hands of the bank or the payment provider receiving the client's payment.

Article 15 – Cancellation Conditions

Cancellation by the client: Any cancellation must be notified to the owner as soon as possible, by email or post, fax, or telephone. In accordance with Article L.221-28 of the Consumer Code, the reservation of accommodation services is excluded from the right of withdrawal for distance contracts. The legal withdrawal period of 14 days (Article L.221-18 of the Consumer Code) cannot, therefore, apply. The owner of the accommodations, however, offers refund facilities in case of cancellation or non-presentation, according to the following terms:

a) Cancellation before the start of the stay: If the cancellation occurs more than 30 days before the start of the stay, the deposit is fully refunded. If the cancellation occurs more than 24 hours before the start of the stay, the deposit remains with the owner. If the cancellation occurs less than 24 hours before the start of the stay, the deposit remains with the owner, who will also request payment of the balance of the stay price.

b) If the client does not show up before 7:00 PM on the scheduled day of the stay, this contract becomes void, and the owner can make use of the guest rooms. The deposit remains with the owner, who reserves the right to claim the balance of the stay price.

c) In the case of a shortened stay, the price corresponding to the initial stay is fully acquired by the owner. Unused additional services will be refunded. In the case of a shortened stay, the price corresponding to the cost of accommodation is fully acquired by the owner. Any unused additional services will be refunded.

Cancellation by the owner of the accommodation: If, before the start of the stay, the owner wishes to cancel the reservation, the client will be notified as soon as possible by email or post, fax, or telephone. The client, without prejudicing any claims for damages that may have been suffered, will be immediately reimbursed for all amounts paid during the reservation or subsequently and related to this reservation (possible deposits, advances, etc.).

Article 16 – Conditions of Stay, Rules of Living, and Respect for Premises

The client must respect the arrival and departure times which are as follows: Arrival from 3:00 PM to 7:30 PM, departure before 11:00 AM. The client must present themselves on the day mentioned in the booking confirmation received. In case of late or delayed arrival, the client must inform the owner.

Use of accommodation premises: The client must respect the peaceful nature of the premises (accommodation and surroundings) and use them in a manner consistent with their purpose. The client is committed to leaving the accommodation premises in good condition.

Capacity: The accommodation offers presented on the site are for a specific or maximum number of people. If the number of clients exceeds the number stated in the accommodation description or the order confirmation, the owner is entitled to refuse additional clients or request the payment of an additional sum. This refusal cannot under any circumstances be considered as a modification or a breach of the contract on the initiative of the owner, so that in the event of the departure of a number of clients greater than those refused, no refund can be considered.

Pets: Unless otherwise stated in the descriptions of the offered accommodations, pets are not accepted in the accommodation premises, and the stay of these animals will be refused by the owner. In case of the owner's refusal to welcome certain animals at the accommodation premises, this refusal cannot under any circumstances be considered as a modification or a breach of the contract on the initiative of the owner, so that in the event of the client's departure, no refund can be considered.

Article 17 – Archiving

We will archive the order forms and invoices on a reliable and durable medium that constitutes a faithful copy. The computerized records will be considered by the parties as proof of the communications, orders, payments, and transactions that have occurred between the parties.

Article 18 – Framework of Conditions

If a provision of the General Conditions is deemed illegal, null or for any other reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from the Conditions and will not affect the validity and applicability of the remaining provisions. These present conditions describe the entire agreement between the user and the website. They replace all previous or contemporaneous written or oral agreements. The general conditions are not assignable, transferable, or sub-licensable by the user himself.

A printed version of the Conditions and of all notices given in electronic form may be requested in legal or administrative proceedings related to the general conditions. The parties agree that all correspondence relating to these Conditions of Use must be written in the French language.

Article 19 – Notifications

Any notification or notice regarding these general conditions, legal notices, or the personal data charter must be made in writing and must be delivered in person, by registered or certified mail, by Post or any other nationally recognized courier service that allows regular tracking of its packages, or by email to the addresses indicated in the legal notices of the site, specifying your names, first names, contact details, and the subject of the notice.

Article 20 – Complaints

Any complaint related to the use of the website, the service, or any other related service, the site's pages on possible social networks, or the general conditions, legal notices, or personal data charter must be filed within 365 days following the original day of the problem source of the complaint, regardless of any law or rule of law to the contrary. In the case where such a complaint has not been filed within the following 365 days, such a complaint will be forever unenforceable in court.

Article 21 – Inaccuracies

It may be possible that there are, within the entire website and the services offered, and to a limited extent, inaccuracies or errors, or information that is in disagreement with the general conditions, the legal notices, or the personal data charter. Moreover, it is possible that unauthorized modifications are made by third parties to the site or to ancillary services (social networks…). We strive to ensure that such discrepancies are corrected. In the case where such a situation would escape our attention, please contact us by postal mail or email at the addresses indicated in the legal notices of the site with, if possible, a description of the error and its location (URL), as well as sufficient information to allow us to contact you. For requests concerning copyright, please refer to the section on intellectual property.

All rights reserved - February 22, 2023